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Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drinking at least 2 litres of water  a day is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle. In the colder weather we do not seem to get as thirsty so we drink less water. This can cause on effect on our digestion, kidneys, immune system and skin texture. 
Get moving - When the days get shorter and colder we can loose our will power to get off the couch and get to the gym, but that's okay, take a walk,  dance round the house, stretch these are still ways of keeping active. Staying active reduces your chance of colds, flu and other illnesses. It also helps to flush bacteria from our air ways and can be a great boost on our mental health. 
You are what you eat - This time of the year we tend to reach for the comfort food, this is all good in moderation but we also need to nourish our bodies with seasonal vegetables and fruits this way your body will be able to take the vitamins and minerals it requires to help us stay healthy. 
Boost your immune system - October is the most common month to catch a cold. Make sure your your are getting the correct vitamins, Echinacea or an Elderberry syrup are great for immune boosting. 
Let it go - Just like the trees when they are shedding their leaves, this is natures way of showing us to let go of stress and things that do not make us happy. Take some time each day to do something for you listen to music, meditate and reflect . We can not pour from an empty cup. 
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Tagged as: autumn, immune, top tips, winter
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